
Spas and Arthritis - RnR Hot Tubs - Hot Tubs Calgary

Spas and Arthritis

Healthy Living


June 10, 2015

Do you struggle with severe arthritis? Have you tried a number of different treatments that have all proved to be ineffective? If so, you might be interested to know that hot tubs can actually have a number of positive health benefits for people who suffer from chronic arthritis.

Spas can be great for relaxing the body and the mind. The warm water serves to ease muscle tension and joint tightness. For those suffering from arthritis pain, regular soaks in a warm spa can do wonders to help them cope with their chronic stiffness.

At RnR Hot Tubs, we strive to provide the most comfortable hot tubs to meet our client’s every need, both personal and medical. We realize that hot tubs can be very therapeutic, and we want to work with you to find and install the right tub for you.

If you’ve suffered from arthritis pain for years, you should come into our showroom and soak in our ‘test tub’ to observe how it can relieve joint and muscle stiffness in your body. If you’re still not convinced, here are a few ways in which spas can benefit individuals dealing with chronic arthritis:

Strengthens Muscles 

Because soaking in a hot tub simulates gentle exercise, regular hot tub sessions can actually serve to strengthen muscles surrounding arthritic joints. Stronger muscles surrounding arthritic joints reduce the amount of strain on these joints, which can ultimately reduce pain. 

Improves Flexibility 

Soaking in a therapeutic spa also helps to relax both muscles and joints, which can improve your overall flexibility. Staying flexible even as you suffer from chronic arthritis can reduce the likelihood of doing further damage to your joints. 

Reduces Stress 

Soaking in a personal hot tub is also a great solution for reducing stress. Stress can exacerbate regular pain associated with arthritic joints, and reducing your stress level can have a large impact on your overall pain level.

According to The Arthritis Foundation, “A hot tub fulfills the need perfectly…providing the warmth, massage, and buoyancy that is so necessary to the well-being of arthritis sufferers. The buoyancy of the water supports and lessens stress on the joints and encourages freer movement.” 

Other Benefits 

Your hot tub can also be a great place to perform mild exercises that would otherwise be difficult. The buoyancy of the water can give many arthritis sufferers a comfortable place to engage in muscle and joint strengthening exercises.

In the publication from The Arthritis Foundation, they stated, “Exercise [in the hot tub] can also improve a person’s coordination, endurance, and the ability to perform daily tasks, and can lead to an enhanced sense of self-esteem and accomplishment.”

At RnR Hot Tubs, we know that our spas can have a number of therapeutic benefits for individuals with varying health conditions. For those who suffer from chronic arthritis, a custom hot tub could be just the answer you’ve been looking for to ease your discomfort.

If you’re interested in installing a new therapeutic hot tub in your yard, please don’t hesitate to contact the specialists at RnR Hot Tubs at 1-403-203-0860 today!

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