
Relaxation Through Meditation - RnR Hot Tibs - Hot Tubs Calgary

Relaxation Through Meditation

Hot Tubs


December 1, 2015

We live in a fast-paced world, and it’s important to find a way of managing and relieving stress that you can rely on. Meditation, for instance, has been well-documented to have excellent effects on physical and mental well-being. So how can we combine that with the wonders of a hot tub?

The Perfect Match

Considering the therapeutic benefits of both a hot tub and meditation will give you an idea of how effective they can be when combined. Immersing your body in water at between 37-40 degrees Celsius balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems and releases endorphins, resulting in that relaxed, at-ease sensation we all know and love. It also improves bloodflow, getting oxygen and enzymes to your muscles to alleviate soreness.

Stress plays a big role in modern life and can significantly affect our health, so the use of meditation has become popular as a way to supplement other therapeutic methods and make things a bit easier for the body to deal with. It has been shown to help relieve high blood pressure and can contribute to improvements in your immune system. Put these two together and you’ve got a great recipe for relaxation, relief, and even better sleep!

Recommended Technique

If you’re new to meditation, five to ten minutes can be a good place to start. Setting a gentle alarm for yourself, such as a cell phone set to vibrate, will allow you to devote that time completely to your relaxation. Be sure to turn off your jets to avoid the distraction of noise. Once you’re comfortable in your tub, close your eyes and spend those minutes focusing only on deep, balanced breathing and the sensation of the tub. More detailed meditation techniques vary by preference, so finding a system and set of instructions that work for you is highly recommended!

Aiming for Optimal Comfort

Enhancing the effects of your hot tub meditation involves optimizing the comfort of your hot tub environment. This can anything between aromatherapy hot tub products to a tub that ensures the best comfort seating for your body type. These will allow you to put together the perfect approach for relieving your stress. The more blissful your hot tub experience, the more effective your hot tub meditation will be!

Looking for more tips on how you can minimize stress and maximize relaxation with the right tub? RnR is here to make it happen. Give us a call at (403) 203-0860 today!

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